As the rate of individuals affected by eating disorders continues to grow, a greater need for qualified treatment providers in the field exists. It is iaedp’s mission to promote excellence in competency assessment for professionals in the eating disorders field through offering a rigorous set of criteria for the evaluation of education, training, knowledge and experience.
For professionals who are leaders, thinkers and doers, iaedp Dallas Fort Worth Chapter brings together eating disorders treatment providers, across all disciplines, to collaborate and inspire one another.
Through relevant information, comprehensive training, and targeted networking, iaedp Dallas Fort Worth Chapter helps professionals deepen their treatment expertise, demonstrate their competency through certification, collaborate with other eating disorders professionals, and ultimately experience better results in their work with clients.
Who We Are
Our mission is to promote a high level of professionalism among practitioners who treat individuals with eating disorders by promoting ethical and professional standards, offering education and training in the field, certifying those who have met prescribed requirements, promoting professional awareness of eating disorders and assisting in prevention efforts.
Thank You to Our Sponsors